Neli Esipova Person-Info 

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Google News: Immigratie NL: de schokkende feiten

[Het Vrije Volk] met een rapport (bron: 700 Million Worldwide Desire to Migrate Permanently US tops desired destination countries by Neli Esipova and Julie Ray.

Türkiye'de yapılan çalışmaya göre vatandaşların yüzde 56'sı
Türkiye'de yapılan çalışmaya göre vatandaşların yüzde 56'sı...

Well-educated, older immigrants prefer Canada to U.S., poll finds -...
But among those who have completed only elementary education, the U.S. outstrips Canada by a considerable margin

Links der Woche | Freisinnige Zeitung
Neli Esipova, Anita Pugliese und Julie Ray bei Gallup: Potential Net Migration Index Declines in Many Countries; Freunde der offenen Gesellschaft: Raubtierökologismus; Tyler Cowen bei MarginalRevolution: Is technology driving us apart? And are there more women in public spaces? Open Borders: The Case: Open Borders Day on March 16; Mark Harrison und Andrei Markevich bei VoxEU: Russia’s ...
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