Maryam Omidi Person-Info 

( Ich bin Maryam Omidi)


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Greed Is for Wimps
[Wall Street Journal] - By TARA LOADER WILKINSON and MARYAM OMIDI Today's mold of talented young professional is a high achiever with a heart. Unlike the Gordon Gekko role model of Sanatorien aus der Sowjetzeit: Urlaub in der DER SPIEGEL

Die Autorin Maryam Omidi zeigt gemeinsam mit acht Fotografen Kurkliniken, die in der Sowjetzeit entstanden sind - inklusive ihrer oftmals unkonventionellen Therapieformen.

Inside the USSR's futuristic sanatoriums - CNN Style
This article was originally published by The Spaces, a digital publication exploring new ways to live and work. "During the days of Soviet Union, rest was seen as purposeful," says writer Maryam Omidi. "The aim was to recover from working hard throughout the year so that you could return refreshed and ...

Zu Besuch in Kuristan |
Trichter in Nasen und Magnetsand am Körper - Die teils absurden Heilsversprechen postsowjetischer Kurhotels zeigt ein neuer Bildband.
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