Martin Krol Person-Info 

( Ich bin Martin Krol)


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Urkunden für die neuen Meister im Handwerk – Festredner Bischoff Hein...
... Kraftfahrzeugtechniker Dennis Ellrich, Bad Zwesten Manuel England, Jesberg Martin Krol, Borken Christian Lang, Homberg Lennart Lang, ...

Local farmers try to recover from recent downpours - NWI › news › local-farmers-try-to-re...
West Creek Township farmer Martin Krol works on 1,500 acres with sons Dave and Fred Krol. "We've lost some, but some have lost more," Krol said.

BBC News - Dozens hurt in lights switch-on
Up to 60 people are injured in a crowd surge during a performance by band JLS at Birmingham's Christmas lights switch-on.

JLS fans injured in crowd surge
Scores of people were injured in a crowd surge during a performance by the group JLS at a Christmas lights switch-on on Saturday night.
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