Mark Hofman Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mark Hofman)


(1 - 4 von 18

Regional council warns 5 King County towns they’re growing too fast |...
In several small cities in King County, 20-year plans have been rejected by the regional planning authority because the cities want to grow too much.

Facebook face-off over Charlbury festivals noise | Oxford Mail
RIVAL campaigns have been set up to fight for and against noisy festivals in Charlbury.

Guardian: Why did the Dutch smartphone user cross the road? | Technology | The...

Because the pavement LEDs, as part of a trial in the municipality of Bodegraven-Reeuwijk, told them it was safe to do so

Brothers celebrate election success | My Local › brothers...
Cllr Mark Hofman said: “It's great to welcome Dominic into the Liberal Democrat family, this set of elections has been amazing for us locally and ...
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Arne Hofmann
Vorname "Mark" (32264)
Name "Hofman" (642)
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