Gordana Goga Person-Info 

( Ich bin Gordana Goga)


Gordana Goga Kostić - Sunset Sunset Ada Ciganlijawww.sunset.rs › events › gordana-goga-kostic

· Gordana Goga Kostić se posle duže pauze vratila na muzičku scenu. Iza sebe ima dva studijska albuma i izuzetno plodnu karijeru.

Gordana (Goga) Memišević In Memoriam | Architecture & Urban...

Gordana (Goga) Memišević In Memoriam Well, how did I get here? Am I right, or am I wrong? Time isn't holding up." Goga was Sarajevo's activist planner who lived the city's brightest moments and endured the city's darkest moments on the world stage. During the siege, she went to her office as a daily routine, as she was responsible ...
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