Aylin Berktas Person-Info 

( Ich bin Aylin Berktas)


Shape Your Future: Study at Jacobs University in Germany - Education...

Jacobs University, one of Germanys top private English-language universities, invites prospective students to take part in its Counseling Days to be held via...

| Jacobs University - Inspiration is a Place

Until May 6, 2016, prospective students have the chance to speak with an admissions officer and a student at Jacobs University via video-chat and get firsthand...

독일 야콥스 대학교, 가을학기 신입생 모집 ‘온라인 입학 상담’ 진행 :: 산업뉴스 여기에

언론연락처:야콥스 대학교 온라인 마케팅/입학 담당자(Online Marketing and Student Recruitment Officer) 아일린 버크타스(Aylin Berktas) ...

Weltreisender aus Stuttgart-Ost: Im Osten geprägt, in der ...

· S-Ost - Hamburg im Jahr Ein weiterer anstrengender Arbeitstag liegt hinter Stefan Krieger und seiner Freundin Aylin Berktas. Gerädert sitzen …
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