Arthur Phillips Person-Info 

( Ich bin Arthur Phillips)


(1 - 4 von 26
) Australisches Panoptikum Michael Merschmeier über Patrick White: -...

Geburtstag, die Landung der "First Fleet" Captain Arthur Phillips an Sydneys Englischen von Frank Heibert Claassen Verlag Düsseldorf 240 Seiten 39,

Book Review: The Tragedy of Arthur, by Arthur Phillips | National Post
The Tragedy of Arthur By Arthur Phillips Random House Canada 368 pp; $30Reviewed by Benjamin ErrettArthur Phillips has come to bury Shakespeare, not to praise...

Arthur Phillips - Bournemouth Echo
› ...

The Tragedy of Arthur, by Arthur Phillips - The Globe and Mail
Randy Boyagoda reviews The Tragedy of Arthur, by Arthur Phillips
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