Anne Andrew Person-Info 

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Google News: Glimpses of the Past for Sept. 2

[Green Bay Press Gazette] - Marriages — Sue Ann Coppens and Robert La Violette; Anne Stenger and Andrew Franken; Susan Staszek and Scott Laurent. Nancy Nusbaum, De Pere mayor since

Peter Bills: Royals behaving badly
[New Zealand Herald] - Of her own four children, three - Charles, Anne and Andrew - have gone through divorces. The fourth, Prince Edward, bitterly disappointed his father

Opera theatre bows out with 'Anne Frank'
[Irish Times] - The hour-long Diary of Anne Frank , conducted by Andrew Synnott and with designs by Nicky Shaw, will be the first of the now 94-year-old Frid's operas to be

Google News: "Koko und seine Freundin Kiri"

[Österreich Journal] Konrad Rennert, Hilde Sochor, Piroska Szekély; Musik: Fritz Keil; Instrumente: Cordula Bösze, Melissa Coleman, Anne Harvey, Andrew Jezek, Joana Lewis.
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