Andrei Goga Person-Info 

( Ich bin Andrei Goga)


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Study: Fat fuels triple negative breast cancer -
A drug that disrupts the ability of certain breast tumors to use fat as an energy source was found in a new study to successfully treat cancer in mice.

Cancer scientists make 'exciting' breakthrough to help stop disease...
It is hoped that the findings could lead to new drugs that target metastatic cells, which break off from original tumours, causing the cancer to spread

Breakthroughs | The magazine of the UC Berkeley Rausser College of...
... Tucker Huffman, and David Miyamoto; Roman Camarda and Andrei Goga of UC San Francisco; and Eranthie Weerapana and Lisa Crawford of Boston College.

Nomura lab finds triple-negative breast cancer target | UC Berkeley...
Dan Nomura's lab has found a long-elusive Achilles’ heel within “triple-negative” breast tumors, a common type of breast cancer that is difficult to treat.
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