Adan Yusuf Person-Info 

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FF4/13 Somaliland - Das vergessene Land
Bradbury, Mark, Adan Yusuf Abokor & Haroon Ahmed Yusuf (2003) Somaliland: choosing politics over violence, Review of African Political Economy, ...

Lange warten auf grünes Licht | Regionalsport
Amateurfußballer, die im Hochtaunuskreis für ihr jeweiliges Team ein Punktspiel bestreiten möchten, benötigen bekanntlich eine Spielberechtigung – darauf...

Obituary: Dr Adan Yousuf Abokor | Rift Valley Institute
· Dr Adan Yusuf Abokor (‘Dr Adan’ to his colleagues and friends) who died last week in Turkey, was a remarkable man. Born in Hargeisa, Somaliland, in 1946, he grew up in Aden, Yemen, where he attended a Catholic mission school. With ambitions to further his education—at that point in time there were no universities in Aden—Dr Adan travelled to Munich, via Italy, where he stayed for a ...

Waa Maxay Sababta ay Dowlada Masar ugu Go,aan qadato in ay dagaal ka...
Home WARARKA Waa Maxay Sababta ay Dowlada Masar ugu Go,aan qadato in ay dagaal ka xigto Isticmaalka Biyaha Webiga Nile-ka – By, Adan Yusuf Elmi.
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