Adan Davis Person-Info 

( Ich bin Adan Davis)


South Atlantic League Notebook
2B Adan Davis is batting (39-for-169). Ramon Hernandez is struggling, mired at (11-for-68). 2B Adam Davis is at (24-for-113).

Outstanding Apprentice Competition
8th Adan Davis - Local Union 3 (Pittsburgh) 9th Andrew Bastien - Local Union 700 (Windsor, Ontario) 10th Joe Kearns - Local Union

Umpiring Into The Future - World Footy News
I spoke last year to the head of umpiring development, Adan Davis, and he was looking at the growth in umpiring and with future plans looked ...
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Person "Davis" (2)
Vorname "Adan" (249)
Name "Davis" (3796)
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