Abidin Zain Person-Info 

( Ich bin Abidin Zain)


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Officials: Jemaah Islamiyah Targeting Leaders - Fox News

— "The threat has been contained but it is still there and has not been eliminated completely," said Zainal Abidin Zain, director-general of ... › story

Indonesians picket Malaysia embassy in dance row - Reuters

— Malaysian ambassador Zainal Abidin Zain told the protestors that “Malaysia never claimed that Barongan originated from our country”. › article

ᐅ Zain al Abidin

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East Java's Christian churches threatened again - AsiaNewswww.asianews.it › news-en › East-Javas-Christian-ch...

· ... Indonesia," said Pastika at the end of a meeting yesterday with the ambassador of Malaysia to Indonesia, Dato Zainal Abidin Zain.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Abidin Zain
Petrol Pump
Vorname "Abidin" (166)
Name "Zain" (643)
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