Systems May Include Person-Info 

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Pas may include non-Muslims in Cabinet, if it comes into power | New ...
KEPALA BATAS: Pas may include non-muslims in the country's cabinet, if the party through its Gagasan Sejahtera pact comes into power after the 14th General Election (GE14).

The future of in-flight entertainment may include gyms | New York Post
Singapore Airlines unveiled its latest in-flight upgrade this week: Double beds in airborne luxury suites offered by the airline. The company invested $850 million in aircraft interior upgrades that make the inside of the plane look more like an upscale hotel, CNN reported. The change is just the latest attempt ...

Vote side effects may include head-scratching, itchy temper |...
Who do you love? And who do you hate? You'd better figure out fast

Trump's Agenda May Include Changes Beyond the FBI – Bloomberg
▶ 3:41In today's "Morning Must Read," Bloomberg's Tom Keene and Francine Lacqua highlight comments from ...
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